Inbox Besties With Kate Doster

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➡️ If this is the first episode you've heard from me in a while PLEASE DM me @kate_doster on instagram and let me know what podcast player you're using.  If you're listening on Spotify please click here to follow this podcast stream I've had more than a handful of people reach out to me, wondering when the podcast was coming back.  (It hasn't left.) A few months ago I switched podcast hosting from Podbean to Hello Audio because Podbean was putting random ads WITHOUT my permission on the show. (Not cool.)  But I think with the transfer my spotify stream got messed up.  I'm wondering if other 3rd party apps are having the same issue.  So please let me know which player you're using so I can submit a support ticket to Hello Audio to fix it.  I'm uploading this audio on my old service.  Again if you're on spotify please click here.  it should fix the issue if you follow this version on show.