Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#129: How to Make More Money With Your Existing Products



When you need to increase revenue for your small business, what ideas come to mind first? If you're like most business owners, you mind likely gravitates to sales and marketing ideas. But there is actually a ton of untapped revenue in your existing products! More money is in existing customers than new customers.   In today’s conversation, Donald Miller talks with Jennifer Rodriguez, owner of Porter Flower Reserve. She also happens to be Don's sister! Don gives Jennifer ideas on how she can take her existing products and increase her revenue immediately. Listen in to get inspiration for ideas that you can execute on now to increase the money coming through your cash register.   If you want to learn how to optimize your products so they make YOU more money, check out our new course, Product Optimization Made Simple, in the business made simple platform. In the course, Donald Miller will teach you, just like Jennifer, how to examine your products and figure out how you can make more money with them. For a limit