Past Present

Episode 379: The Trump Indictment



In this episode, Natalia, Neil, and Niki discuss the indictment of former President Donald Trump. Support Past Present on Patreon: Here are some links and references mentioned during this week’s show:   ·      Former President Donald Trump has been indicted related to the mishandling of classified documents and other charges. Neil referred to this New Yorker article about how Trump is trying to reframe the narrative around these proceedings, and Natalia drew on this NPR article about the history of presidential wrongdoing. Niki referenced this New York Times article about the history of the Espionage Act.     In our regular closing feature, What’s Making History: ·      Natalia talked about Stephanie Noda’s article, “Do Honors Classes Favor ‘compliant and organized’ kids? Westwood Wants to Change That.” ·      Neil discussed Jesse Walker’s Reason article, “How Pat Robertson Shepherded His Flock Into Politics.” ·      Niki recommended Elaina Pl