Disruptive Ceo Nation

Episode 193: Jeffrey Klubeck, Founder and President Get A Klu, Inc. and author of The Integrity Game®️- San Diego, CA, USA



Jeffrey is an engaging and brilliant executive coach who has knowledge that you and your teams need to know. Currently, he is motivating business leaders to evaluate the topic of integrity via his book and program The Integrity Game®️. Jeff is also serving as a Professor of Communications at San Diego State University where he is challenging emerging leaders to understand their values and how to carry and communicate them into the world. Here are some highlights from our conversation: - The motivation behind The Integrity Game®️ and why integrity isn't what everyone thinks it is. - The importance of personal accountability and self-leadership and that The Integrity Game®️ was born in the land of personal accountability.  - Why companies, their KPIs and the shareholders need teams to know how to operate within the framework of integrity for increased opportunity for success. And why leaders who get permission to lead achieve a higher level of employee engagement. - The concept that there is never any traffic o