Disruptive Ceo Nation

Episode 148 Ben Worthen, CEO of Message Lab, Oakland, Californi



Ben is the CEO of Message Lab, award winning storyteller, he’s showing businesses and content entrepreneurs how to use data to tell stories and build audiences that produce business growth results. He’s sharing how to overcome the cultural and organizational obstacles to doing content marketing well. Message Lab combines journalism, data and design to create content that resonates with the people their clients most need to reach. They believe engaging people around their interests is more effective than always trying to sell. They use their training as journalists to learn what people are interested in and then write, shoot and design stories they care about. They make sure the content they create reaches the right audience and apply a measurement framework that focuses on business outcomes to show their work gets meaningful results.  In our conversation, Ben explains: -       How to “talk right” when marketing your business and how to create a positive brand. -       Becoming a seller that makes customers fa