Htw With Zoe And Erica

110. Elevating Your Natural Wine Experience with Todd White



Todd White is the founder of Dry Farm Wines, with a great story and a fun and lively approach to life in general.  A self-described biohacker who practices daily meditation, Wim Hof breathing, cold thermogenesis, a ketogenic diet, and daily 22 hour intermittent fasting, he wanted to find a better way of enjoying an evening glass of wine without it interrupting his lifestyle, and from this came Dry Farm Wines. A sourcing company of pure, Natural Wines that lab tests to ensure each bottle is sugar free (0-0.15g per glass), lower in sulfites, and lower in alcohol (under 12.5% alc/vol).    Todd helps demystify the dark secrets of the wine industry along with what makes natural wines so unique. You’ll want to drink a bottle yourself when this is over.   Todd White talks about... How he looks like 30 at 60 years old through fasting The concept behind Dry Farm and what natural wines are The wine industry’s dirty, dark secrets How Todd stumbled into the natural wine industry How wine can be sugar free when grape jui