Htw With Zoe And Erica

25. Tenoverten co-founder, Nadine Abramcyk talks clean beauty, starting with our hands and feet.



We sat down with Nadine Abramcyk, co-founder of Tenoverten nail salon to talk non-toxic beauty and how her original idea to elevate the NYC manicure experience evolved into something much bigger. We should also mention that Nadine was a week away from giving birth during this episode…and her nails looked great.    ·     We start with the story of Tenoverten and then zoom out to clean beauty in general. Almost immediately, Zoe gets on her soap box about how toxins are in everything, specifically, chemical flame retardants in our furniture, infant car seats, etc. Somebody get this girl aCBD lolly.   ·     Like all great ideas, Tenoverten was born out of necessity. If you want a beautiful, non-toxic mani-pedi experience that doesn’t break the bank and takes the environment into account, ya gotta do it yourself.    ·     We get to the bottom of this new cryptic language being used across polish brands: 3 Free, 5 Free, etc. 10 Free refers to the top ten toxic ingredients that are NOT in the Tenoverten polish formu