Muscle for Life

Martin MacDonald on the Science of “Aggressive” Dieting



Aggressive dieting often has a negative connotation, but does it actually work for weight loss and muscle maintenance?  To delve into this topic and other aspects of nutrition science, I interview Martin MacDonald in this episode. Martin is a Clinical Performance Nutritionist, a senior lecturer at the Mac-Nutrition Uni (an evidence-based online nutrition course), and a renowned speaker in the realm of nutrition science. With his deep knowledge of nutrition science and experience in the field, Martin shares his perspectives on dieting and nutrition in this episode. In our conversation, Martin and I discuss . . . The concept of aggressive dieting and the evidence in its favor for weight loss and maintenance The impact of traditional calorie-restricted diets on muscle loss (and how to recover it) How to calculate your maximum calorie deficit The challenges of aggressive dieting and how to adopt a flexible approach The myths around muscle loss during weight loss and the reality behind it The nega