The New Stack Makers

The Developer's Career Path: Discover's Approach



Angel Diaz, Vice President of Technology, Capabilities, and Innovation at Discover Financial Services, spoke with TNS Host Alex Williams at the Open Source Summit in Vancouver, BC. Diaz emphasizes the importance of learning and collaboration among software engineers. He leads The Discover Technology Academy, a community of 15,000 engineers, which he describes as a place where craftsmen come together rather than an ivory tower institution.Developers and engineers at Discover define and develop processes for software development. They start their journey by contributing atomic elements of knowledge, such as articles, blogs, videos, and tutorials, and then democratize that knowledge. Open source principles, communities, guilds, and established practices play a vital role in their work and discovery process.Discover's developer experience revolves around the concept of the golden path, which goes beyond consuming content and includes aspects like code, automation, and setting up development environments. Pair pro