Help & Hope

Sexual Betryal in Marriage with Ellen Dykas



Some stats state that 50% of married couples in churches have experienced sexual betrayal in their marriage. When a wife learns about her husband’s sexual betrayal, in the blink of an eye, a bomb detonates and blows up her marriage. The very foundations on which she built her home shatter, and she can barely breathe, let alone find her way out from under the rubble. Ellen Dykas has walked with hundreds, maybe even thousands of women as they have struggled with sexual betrayal and offers hope from years of helping these hurting women. In this conversation with co-hosts, Sharon Betters and Jane Anne Wilson, Ellen’s tender heart and passion flow freely for offering hope to women whose husbands have betrayed the. She encourages listeners to know they are not responsible for their husband’s sin, and that they do not need to carry shame. She is particularly concerned that they understand the need for self-care. This topic is too deep for a half-hour conversation so we hope, whether you are fresh in facing sexual b