Help & Hope

Blow Away The Dark Clouds - A Converstion with Jan Dravecky



Long term illness has more than one victim. Naturally, the priority of energy and time must be the person who is ill. But what about the rest of the family, especially the spouse who walks beside the sick loved one? In this podcast, Jan Dravecky speaks candidly to Sharon Betters about how her husband Dave’s loss of his arm to cancer plunged her into a deep depression. Dave was a pitcher for the Giants when he received the diagnosis of cancer. Their journey captured the attention of the world when against all odds, Dave came back to the pitcher’s mound, and then gasped in horror when his arm snapped while pitching. The cancer had returned. Living with cancer is painful, but even more painful on a world stage. Jan’s body, heart and soul finally cried, “Enough” and Jan found herself on a long, hard journey to find her way out of deep depression. Jan and Dave share their journey through books, speaking and an outreach to hurting people called Endurance. Learn more about their ministry at the