Help & Hope

Cancer & Grief - A Conversation With Elizabeth Groves



Melanoma, the word strikes fear into the hearer, especially when it is a diagnosis for a loved one. Al Groves, a beloved professor at Westminster Seminary and his wife, Libbie, heard these words and knew life would never be the same. In this conversation with Sharon Betters, Libbie shares the journey that her family experienced in the year after her husband Al’s diagnosis of terminal cancer. She offers her family’s story as a means of coming alongside of others who are struggling with cancer, God and grief, answering such questions asHow did you tell your children?Did you ever hit a wall where you felt you just couldn’t handle all the daily responsibilities of raising your children and caring for your husband?Al was a gifted author, beloved professor at Westminster Seminary. Did you ever question why such a gifted man who had so much more to offer had to die? What about lament? How important was and is your faith? How did it make a difference in the way you viewed this diagnosis?How did people help you?Suppo