Help & Hope

Help and Hope for The Caregiver: A Conversation With Peter Rosenberger



“Whatever burdens my fellow caregivers struggle with, I can help. I’m willing to put it all out there.” So says Peter Rosenberger in the introduction of his book, Hope for Caregivers. Chuck Betters starts the conversation with Peter by asking him to share what credentials he has that enable him to make such a bold claim. When Peter married Gracie over thirty years ago, he knew she had some medical issues resulting from a near fatal car accident she was in at the age of 17. The full impact of those issues did not hit him until a medical crisis shortly after their marriage. Suddenly he knew that his life would always center on taking care of Gracie’s medical crises and that truth overwhelmed him. To this date, Gracie lives 24/7 with excruciating pain, is a double amputee and has had 78 surgeries with more likely. In this interview Peter candidly discusses the pressures a caregiver experiences when solely responsible for his or her spouse’s physical needs. He humbly admits that he has made every mistake possib