Help & Hope

Finding Freedom In The Rough Pathways Of Life



Renee Dixon compares her life as a widow, single mom, and small business owner with mounting bills to climbing a hard, rocky pathway filled with gnarled roots. She describes how she learned to grasp those roots as a means to pull herself along the hard road of life that sometimes felt impossible to travel. Those gnarled roots along the pathway helped shape Renee into a woman whose own determination, endurance and grit encourages the very people she is called to serve. Renee is Executive Director of Freedom Hills Therapeutic Riding Program, located in Port Deposit, Maryland. Freedom Hills offers help and hope to people with disabilities as they find freedom through horseback riding. Riding horses helps them forget their limitations and “feel as though they are flying.”Renee is a Warrior Woman whose story will encourage listeners who walking hard paths to recognize how hard times can prepare you to offer help and hope to others.Learn more about Freedom Hills Therapeutic Riding Program: http://www.freedomhills