Help & Hope

Ovarian Cancer Fighter The Constant Battle



In 2009, Debbie Kahler was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, a disease that strikes fear in the hearts of anyone familiar with its deadly prognosis. Over the next few years, Debbie battled this virulent disease while watching her mother and her mother-in-law lose their battles against the same disease. Debbie now says she has added “cancer fighter” to her job description as she continues to pursue treatment that has extended her life in a way that enables her to enjoy her family and friends. Most people would respond with despair to such tragic losses, tempted to give in to the fear of losing their own battles. Yet that is not the message of Debbie’s journey. Listeners will agree that Debbie is a Warrior Woman, a woman who faces life’s challenges with faith, grit and determination to experience joy and purpose. We are confident Debbie’s story will help equip you for your own life journey, no matter what your circumstances.Support the show