Mr. Stillman's Opus

Marriage & Money: Part III – Dealing with Divorce



Our three-part series on marriage and money wraps up today with a look at the financial decisions that often happen during the divorce process. This is going to be a highly emotional and difficult process for those involved, which makes the financial aspect of this process even more challenging. We’ll walk you through a few of the items that will need to be addressed like dividing assets, child support, and updating documents. Then we’ll talk about how your mindset has to change as you begin the next chapter of life independently and begin planning for retirement on your own.   Here are some of the things you’ll learn in this episode: John shares his most memorable story about divorce. (1:10) Mistakes made when dividing the assets. (4:15) Child support and alimony. (7:11) Updating documents and beneficiaries. (9:39) Changing your mindset to approach finances as an individual. (11:18)   Connect with us:  Web: Phone: 919-391-3446