All That Glitters

Skill Investment with Andrew Coates



Today, I share my interview on Andrew Coates podcast, Lift Free and Diet Hard. This episode could have easily been titled "Mindset Mastery" but it fails to grasp the intelligence and depth behind this conversation. We explore and challenge our fundamental beliefs systems and the emotional underpinnings of our decision making. I explains her philosophy of investing in skill development as the best return on investment. This episode should make you think, challenge how you allocate your time in your career, and challenge you to ask better questions to create greater client impact. We talk about: -where coaches struggle with mindset  -missing out on the work -emotions behind decisions -choosing your pain & suffering -money mindset -acquiring new skills -betting on yourself  Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 1:55 coaches struggling with mindset 9:03 buying decisions  17:30 challenging belief systems 21:40 arbitrary limits around money 32:10 being afraid to invest in business 41:40 doing things you a