Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Amy Eliza Wong, Living and Leading On Purpose, Episode 304



I’m excited to bring you today’s guest, Amy Eliza Wong. She has a passion for helping people discover meaningful joy and satisfaction in their lives, break free from their fears and false perceptions, and embody their fullest potential. In short, she thrives on helping others live and lead on purpose. She is on a mission to raise the consciousness of the planet and help others get off the proverbial ‘‘hamster wheel”, achieve peace of mind, and live with true intention. Amy's debut book, Living on Purpose, shows readers how to feel more connected to the people around them and be truly satisfied by the life they’re leading. She refers to purpose in a verb format, vs. a noun and I love this. It’s true embodiment. It’s the fire we walk in.   In This Episode: Amy shares her journey from executive to becoming a successful entrepreneur She talks about her massive epiphany that it’s not about figuring it out but feeling it out Why she thinks of purpose as a way of being more than a thing How can we liv