Sub Moa

Can you be too hard on yourself?



The adventures continue! Tyler fresh back from Japan and.. and... back from Competition Dynamics Steel Safari after a respectable showing, taking 3rd overall after losing the tie breaker for 2nd. The dynamic duo talk mens health, competing, expectations, being too hard on yourself, and so much more! For a more personal connection to the hosts, be sure to follow Tyler Hughes on Instagram @tyler_hughes_ss and Jeph Savaglio @savage422. Thank you to our show sponsor Howitzer Clothing. Manufacturer and designer of great clothing made for everyday wear while holding up to the rigors of the range! Howitzer is a huge supporter of LE and Military with their Blue Lion Program. Go check them out at You can also follow them on social media, @howitzerclothing. Check out our website: Your source for the nation’s leading long range precision rifle training. Visit out “Free Training” section for a mountain of free downloads to elevate your range training. In our products sections