Nicole Bremner

Creative director and interior designer Simon May in a truly entertaining discussion #21



EP21: What Simon can’t draw isn’t worth illustrating. His unique ability of being able to visualise in minutes a vague thought and idea in his clients’ mind-eye; bringing concepts to life in simple yet compelling sketches, is like watching a maestro at work. Simon has over 24 years worth of practical experience in both residential and commercial interior design, having worked for global agencies and clients in London, Milan & Sydney Australia. Clients include Harvey Nichols Knightsbridge, Moda In Pele for House of Fraser, and Dennys. And with a background education in furniture design, Simon's creative process brings a very full spectrum of detail to his work. More recently Simon founded his own interior design practice in London where he and his talented team craft unique environments for a multitude of clients across many dynamic sectors including retail, F&B, hotel, workplace and residential. In this podcast: - the changing design of work spaces and its effects - finding a connection with clie