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Do This Before You File Your 2022 Tax Return...



 We're diving into a topic that might not be the most exciting, but it's definitely something we can't ignore: taxes. It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the tax process, but understanding a few key things can help ease that stress and even save you money.In this episode, I’m gonna give you the lowdown on some tax basics. I'll talk about how the tax system works and what you need to know to make sure you're not leaving any money on the table. I'll also dive into what kinds of things you need to account for, like income, property, and other sneaky taxable items.So, get ready to learn some valuable tips that will help you keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket. Trust me, this is one topic you don't want to overlook!IN TODAY’S EPISODE, I DISCUSS: The basics of how taxes work & using it to your benefitThe difference between a deduction and a tax creditKey moves to consider before the tax filing time IRS Code Section 179: How does it work?Retirement plans - How