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TES 084 - How to Negotiate or Get to Solutions



In this episode, #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham, talks about negotiation, helps you understand the concept of conflict and shows you how you can go from contention to solution. In any type of negotiation, if you don't get it right, it's going to be an energy drain, the conversation will stall and you find yourself in a constant battle. If you get it right, you start to make progress, get some understanding and finally, produce some sort of resolution. The 3 principles that you need to understand are: The details bogs you down The meaning that people give to situations is highly emotional We need to find our solutions above the meaning and details The Solution Pathway To go from contention to solution, there are a couple of things to understand: Observations: What happened? This is the detail, the stuff that we get caught into and we can’t get away from it because we’re stuck in the specifics. Emotions: What made it happen? What are the m