Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Why Am I Talkin' To Myself Like That? with the founder of the Compassion Code Academy, Laura Jack



In this episode, we welcome Laura Jack, the founder of the Compassion Code Academy and author of the international bestseller The Compassion Code: How To Say The Right Thing When The Wrong Thing Happens. I know I used to ruminate on how I could've done better all the time... It's hard to heal if you are always beating yourself up... Studies have shown that practicing self-compassion can lead to improved health, increased happiness, and stronger relationships. In our time together, Laura shares techniques for treating ourselves with the same kindness and support we would show a dear friend. She also shares great ways to recover from years of negative self-talk, including • How to create healthy boundaries using our own internal 'mental bouncer'• Ways to cultivate soothing self-talk instead of critical talk• The importance of personal expression and play• Why it's important to quiet the constant mental chatter and more... More About Our Guest: Laura Jack, the founder of the Compassion Code Academy, is a leading