Coffee & Kettlebells

Every Day Is Core Day



A lot of people think of core strength as “six-pack abs,” but as someone well into my third pregnancy, that is arguably the least of my concerns. Your core is made up of a group of muscles that support both the spine and the pelvis.  It’s what connects the upper and lower body, and a focus on strengthening and maintaining these muscles is so much more than aesthetics. Today, I am going to give you some tips for strengthening your core every day! Head on over to my Instagram to check out some of the moves I'm sharing with you.  For daily fitness, nutrition, and life inspiration, as well as glimpses into my daily life, follow me on Instagram and Facebook! Instagram: @morgan.a.kline Facebook: Coffee & Kettlebells Blog: If you love everything you have learned from my podcast and you feel ready to take your health, fitness, and happiness to the next level, start here!