Voice Of Achievers

Psychological Safety, Support & Decision Making Ft James Brook



How can people managers truly become allies and support their teams?How can they create psychologically safe environments that promote creativity and curiosity?On Part 2 of our interaction with James Brook, we dive deep into people managers turning mentors, pushing team members while creating safe environments and leading them towards constant progressive paths.Note: Mr James Brook, is an entrepreneur, business psychologist, and leadership coach based in the UK with 3 decades of experience in assessment, talent and leadership development and coaching. He created the next generation of talent assessment tool, TalentPredix™ to help employers hire talented people and empower them to thrive at work.In the past, James has pioneered the strengths-based approach to talent management in the UK, founding Strengthscope® in 2006 and has worked with clients including LVMH, Tesco, Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Oracle and Facebook among others. He has also authored multiple books on organizational management and leadership inc