Coffee & Kettlebells

10 Productivity Hacks for Working Moms



Whether you're an entrepreneur, go into the office every day, or are working from home - this episode is for you! Morgan is sharing her tips for productivity as a working Mom and what she's found that works best for her.Some of the tips we cover today:Baby-wearing. Hello, hands-free! Snuggling the little one + working at the same time doesn't sound too bad!Stop multitasking. It’s BS. Close the tabs, start time blocking your priorities.Sleep better, work better.Hire someone. Help isn’t something to be ashamed of. Bonus points for hiring someone to do something that is better at the thing than you are!Always batch process. Think of it as an assembly line. One person doesn't build a whole car. Instead, they make one part over and over because it's much more efficient. Apply this same principle to your business.Have self-awareness. What works for one person may not work for you. Speaking of to-do lists, don't add too many tasks. Try to focus on just one to three things a day. If you