Coffee & Kettlebells

My Tips for Becoming An Optimist



If I have learned one thing on this wild ride, I've learned that mindset is everything. I want you to work on training the voice inside your head to speak with respect to yourself and others. I want you to become an optimist!  I've gone through times in life where I was letting others rob me of my joy, taking my optimism with them. Today, I've made a commitment that I am in control of living my own life in a happy, fulfilling way.  Here are some of my tips when it comes to working your way toward optimistic living:  Make a mental note every time you have a negative thought. You may be surprised how many pass through your head on a daily basis.  Think about what optimism really means. Don't ignore your stress, rethink how you respond to those stressors.  Begin each day from a place of gratitude.  You are the company that you keep.  Optimism is a choice.  Interested in more about mental health? Check out my podcast, Destigmatizing Mental Health! Want more inspiration, head on over to Inst