5 Smooth Stones

The Systematic lies of white supremacy: Our world's ruling religion



Monday night! July 03, 2023, 8p.m. CST. "Practical Solutions for victims of White Supremacy"    As brother Seth has been teaching in this series, white supremacy is a philosophy that anyone can believe and thus act out on afterwards. Seth believes that "all" suffer from the religion of white supremacy in either thought, speech, or behavior, and no one is exempt. Tonight, Bro. Seth will again share how he was a victim of the lies of white supremacy and how the Father delivered him from one of America's biggest strongholds. Also, how the Father continues to shine light on fragments of this stronghold in his life today. Seth believes it has been revealed to him by the Father, and in everyday exchanges with all ethnic groups, most people suffer from these evil social constructs in every aspect of life. However, this evil is no match for the Most High! To Listen "LIVE" call  (914) 205-5590. To listen online "Live" or after the show has been recorded, go to this link: http://tobtr.com/12243909