Sub Moa

How do you view the Target area? Sectoring Methods



A quickie that went longer than expected! Tyler explains to Jeph a drill he had students run last week. 19 Targets. 25 rounds. 5 Minutes. Must hit to move on to next target. Asking how Jeph would attack this problem. How the students did. What was the method that lead to the greatest success in the shortest time. How does this apply to your world? Hunting. Military. LE. Comp. It relates. Efficiency. Speed. Do you need to memorize all targets and DOPE or is there another way? Your mind is your greatest weapon, use it to simplify problems. You must have to see the big picture. Great episode. Great session for learning. Hope y'all enjoy! For a more personal connection to the hosts, be sure to follow Tyler Hughes on Instagram @tyler_hughes_ss and Jeph Savaglio @savage422.  Thank you to our show sponsor Howitzer Clothing. Manufacturer and designer of great clothing made for everyday wear while holding up to the rigors of the range! Howitzer is a huge supporter of LE and Military with their Blue Lion Program.