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TRAINING DIARIES: Position improvement for better aim



Another beautiful Friday to deliver this weekends Training Tips and Goals podcast. No Jeph today, but Tyler came through to deliver a great episode. The focus being aiming with your body. Its easy to get flustered, stresses, agitated, and start to muscle the weapon system. Through mindful repetition and goal driven drills, you can eliminate some of these mistakes. Tyler adds a video talking about Natural Point of Aim as well as some photos for understanding the target and how to utilize your position. For a more personal connection to the hosts, be sure to follow Tyler Hughes on Instagram @tyler_hughes_ss and Jeph Savaglio @savage422. Thank you to our show sponsor Howitzer Clothing. Manufacturer and designer of great clothing made for everyday wear while holding up to the rigors of the range! Howitzer is a huge supporter of LE and Military with their Blue Lion Program. Go check them out at You can also follow them on social media, @howitzerclothing.  Check out our website: www.MaxOrd