Sub Moa

The murky world of Instructors and How to find the right ones. Vette The Instructor episode!



The statement "Vette the instructors" if said often by so many people with the message of make sure youre training with someone who is legitimate. The question is, how do you filter through all the bullshit. Sure, experienced shooters, possibly, kind of sort of know who may be good and who should retire and pretend they never attempted to be somebody they arent. But new shooters, they dont know. They have no clue. Google searches pull up 40,000+ search results and typically if youre a business or an instructor who sank all his money into a website and marketing, you will win a majority of students over. They wont know until years down the road of how good or how bad you actually were. So the saga continues, how do we really vette people we are seeking training from? Do they need cool scope camera videos hitting a man size target at an unspecified distance to woo you? Its a very murky world and were trying to shine some light into the mud. Tyler and Jeph breakout a few videos as examples of what you