Coffee & Kettlebells

Reframe Your Thoughts, Reclaim Your Power With Morgan



Mindset is everything! Morgan is opening up about her mental game and the mental muscles she flexes when things just don't feel right to get them back on track."You have to seek out positivity right now in this world. Everyone is struggling in their own way, and it can often come out as negativity on social media. I work really hard to not let the negative thoughts last long. If my mindset is off, I know I'm not the best person to be around. If I get down, worried, or anxious, things don't operate well. It shows up in work, my marriage, how I'm a mom. I've learned that about myself and I am very self-aware. If I'm acting out in a way that isn't who I want to show up as, I dig deep and figure out what is causing the stress in my life. I can recognize that my mindset is not good and then I analyze my inputs! What am I consuming? Podcasts, social media, news, conversations, anything! Your inputs equal your outputs!"Healthy communication is just one of the tips and tri