Digital Politics With Karen Jagoda

Matching Voter Files to Digital Identities with Ray Kingman Semcasting



Ray Kingman, CEO and Founder of Semcasting, a data service company, is taking voter files to the next level by including more relevant data to support digital marketing in political campaigns.  Their cookie-free approach uses IP delivery points, device information, email, and offline data and matches to online activity and other known voter characteristics. They are testing a digital activity scoring system and different new twists on the data to allow campaigns to create discussions with voters and not just display messages. We talk about: Improving the reach of digital political ads Value of the constellation approach to finding voters Designing a more effective media mix to target and reach the desired audience Why understanding early voters means saving money on later media buys and improving outcomes Authorized use of voter files @Semcasting #TargetingVoters #DigitalIdentities #PoliticalCampaigns #Voters #CTV #PoliticalAds