Board Gamers Anonymous

BGA Episode 12: Extra Life 2013



Extra Life 2013 was a HUGE success and we want to thank all of the incredible people, publishers, volunteers, and donors who made this possible. We not only hit our goals, we obliterated them, bringing in FOUR TIMES our original goal.  Listen as we thank the people who made this event so successful and some of our favorite moments from Extra Life 2013 on Staten Island.  01:45 - Extra Life 2013 Wrap Up 31:12 - Aqcuisition Disorder Corner 38:12 - At the Table  And if you weren't at the event but want to participate, you can! We're running an online only raffle until November 20th. Enter by donating at least $10 to Extra Life and letting us know on Facebook, Twitter or by email ( Thanks everyone!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: