Board Gamers Anonymous

BGA Episode 5: Nothing Personal



This week on Board Gamers Anonymous, Anthony, Chris, Dan, and Kim review the brand new game from Steve Avery and Tom Vasel - Nothing Personal. We also discuss some of the hot new games hitting the shelves, including Wave 3 of X-Wing, Takenoko, Classic TV Batman Heroclix, and new licensed games from Cryptozoic. We also discuss how to handle gotcha games and player feelings in a gaming group and review some oldies but goodies.    03:04 - The Hotness News   11:45 - Acquisition Disorer Corner   23:30 - At the Table: Quarriors: Quartifacts    28:34 - At the Table: Smash Up   38:10 - At the Table: Poison   44:14 - At the Table: Citadels   53:32 - Feature Review: Nothing Personal    As always, don't forget to rate us on iTunes and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter. Send your questions to questions@boardgamersanonymous.comAdvertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: