Board Gamers Anonymous

BGA Episode 4 - Warmachine: High Command



This week Anthony, Chris, Dan and Kim review the brand new deck builder from Privateer Press set in the Warmachine Universe - High Command. They also get a couple of recommendations from listeners - one great and one downright painful, and they talk about Cosmic Encounter, Parade, Spyrium, Valuspa, Mice and Mystics: The Heart of Glorm, and a bunch of other games triggering that pesky acquisition disorder.  00:40 - The Hotness News 07:06 - Acquisition Disorder Corner 24:46 - At the Table: Cosmic Encounter 31:58 - At the Table: Hey, That's My Fish! 36:10 - At the Table: Those Pesky Garden Gnomes 44:34 - At the Table: Parade 54:50 - Best Gateway Games for Non-Boardgamers  01:08:39 - Feature Review: Warmachine: High Command Send your questions to or connect with us on Facebook ( or Twitter (@bgapodcast). Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: