Tuesday Breakfast

Protecting Tasmania's Endangered Plants, Win Against VicForest, Australian Asians for Climate Action, Hong Kongology on 3CR, Jenin Refugee Camp & Palestine Resistance



Deborah Wace – a botanical artist, fabric designer and professional print maker from Tasmania who uses kelp and other endangered Tasmanian plants in her designs to show their beauty, tell their stories and why we need to protect them. Deborah spoke to Judith Peppard from Earth Matters on 2 July 2023. // Sue McKinnon from Kinglake Friends of the Forest spoke to Annie McLoughlin from Solidarity Breakfast on 1 July 2023 about the successful legal action to stop VicForest from continuing to log the old forest in the east of the State of Victoria. // Dr Kim Loo is a GP and the NSW Chair of Doctors for the Environment Australia. She is the child of Malaysian immigrants who came to Australia in the 1950s and is a part of the organisation Australian Asians for Climate Action, an organisation that aims to create awareness about the climate and environment within Asian Australian communities. // Katy Chan is the co-host of Hong Kongology, a new radio show on 3CR dedicated to gathering and sharing stories and voices of