Jamie Clubb's Podcast

Galahad's Goals Part I



The first of a two-part episode. Jamie Clubb offers his thoughts and reflections on martial arts quests. He comments on the difference between dojo hoppers and martial arts cross trainers, and why he believes there is often a lot of incongruity in martial arts teaching. He provides insight into two of his three-point criteria for selecting classes that teach good self-defence skills. Personal security concepts and pre-emptive striking discussed here have their basis in Jamie's training under Geoff Thompson and Matty Evans of the Real Combat Method as well as Mo Teague's Hard Target System. Weapon awareness comes from Steve Timperley's Knife and Edged Weapon Awareness Programme and the hard skill tactics describe come from Karl Tanswell's STAB programme and various concepts learnt from Mo Teague's teachings. Jamie Clubb's Clubb Chimera WebsiteClubb Chimera Facebook PageClubb Chimera Twitter PageClubb Chimera YouTube ChannelKnife and Edged Weapons Awareness ProgrammeNational Geog