Coffee & Kettlebells

It's Time For A Digital Declutter



It's important to take an inventory of our lives when it comes to the digital world. There are so many wonderful things about technology and there are also many distractions.  Eliminating digital in its entirety is not realistic in today's world. But, we can certainly declutter and build discipline when it comes to our digital activities.  I break down some tips for you when it comes to jumping into a digital declutter! From auditing your apps and more, there are many ways to take a more disciplined approach to your digital use.  I love to utilize technology and my goal is to help you think about how you use digital to continue to impact your life in a positive way! I referenced my episode about Fitness Trackers in this episode. Check it out here: 5 Reasons to Stop Wearing Fitness Trackers For daily fitness, nutrition, and life inspiration, as well as glimpses into my everyday life, follow me on Instagram and Facebook! Instagram: @morgan.a.kline  Facebook: Morgan Kline Blog: