Environment China

[Chinese episode] Carbon circles and climate finance - Women in Sustainability Series with with Yuan Lin of AIIB



In this latest installment of our Women in Sustainability series, we talk with Yuan LIN,  Senior Specialist in Institutional Carbon Management at Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). She works closely with climate initiatives toward the Bank’s green mission as embraced in AIIB’s corporate strategy. She has 15 years of experience in Environmental Impact Assessments, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), carbon trading, and corporate carbon emission management. Before joining AIIB, she worked at the London Stock Exchange, the World Bank China office, and the Energy Foundation. She graduated from Imperial College London with an MSc in Environmental Technology and from the University of Cambridge with an MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development.   In this episode we'll explore:   Her academic and work background Trends in the '碳圈 - tanquan', aka carbon circle in the past ten years Chinese carbon market development from 2015 to 2023 A day in the life of an Institutional Carbon Management Senior