

Time to Rise & Thrive with Jackie Mott  Why do we forgive? Is forgiveness an act of love or charity? Yes, for yourself. When we hold onto grudges, we harm ourselves and waste our energy. But when we forgive the actions of another, what we are actually doing is freeing ourselves of the emotions and the pain that was the result, and when we do that, we can redirect all of that wasted energy toward something more positive that will help us move forward and not stay stuck in the circumstances we cannot change. Jackie used to find forgiveness difficult because she thought it meant giving someone a free pass for whatever they had done. What she learned was that it really isn’t about the other party. Forgiveness is about freeing yourself. Join Jackie Mott on this week’s episode of Time to Rise & Thrive, “Forgive. For YOU!”, where she will share her journey of learning what forgiveness really is and how to release the emotions that are keeping you stuck in your pain. Join in the Live Chat Room too!!! https://inspired