Ctc Podcast

EPS 166 UVA Alum co-founds a company to improve the availability, quality, and affordability of housing



Housing costs in the United States are constantly rising. Why that matters? Is because an increasing number of individuals and families continue to struggle to find quality and affordable homes today!Jason Bordainick, our guest for today’s episode, and the co-founder of Hudson Valley Property Group, recognized this issue and addressed it. And sitting with us today, he’s talking about everything it took for him to identify the problem and remedy it. Bordainick's entrepreneurial journey began at the University of Virginia, where he founded Off Campus Partners, a company that helped students find off-campus housing. After completing his MBA at Stanford, he founded Hudson Valley Property Group with his childhood friend, Andrew Cavaluzzi, with a focus on making sustainable improvements to affordable housing and providing a better standard of living for their residents. Bordainick's journey shows that entrepreneurial success can come from identifying a need and providing a solution that serves both custom