Sub Moa

Unsupported Skills & Understanding "The WHY"



Tyler goes into a deep discussion regarding unsupported shooting positions. The fundamentals behind it and breaking down a social media video. Bone Support. Muscle Relaxation. Natural Point of Aim. They're as old as time and still the foundation behind all shooting positions, supported and unsupported. The tail end of this episode talks about the WHY. Why does this happen. Why are you doing this. What happens when this fails. Etc Etc Etc. If you want to become a better rifleman. Raise your ceiling. You need to understand the delicate intricacies behind precision rifleman. For a more personal connection to the hosts, be sure to follow Tyler Hughes on Instagram @tyler_hughes_ss and Jeph Savaglio @savage422. Thank you to our show sponsor Howitzer Clothing. Manufacturer and designer of great clothing made for everyday wear while holding up to the rigors of the range! Howitzer is a huge supporter of LE and Military with their Blue Lion Program. Go check them out at You can also follo