Sam Sylk Show

My Dream Job VS My Man



Dear Sam, I’m very unhappy with my current employer, and I’ve just been offered my dream job—except it is in a rural town in another state where I know nobody, far away from my friends and my city. Career-wise it would be a great choice, and I could probably come back to the city in a couple years, but I am hesitant. Part of my hesitation is that I am scared of leaving my city to move to a small town where I might not meet any like-minded people. The other part is that a couple months ago I started seeing a man I really like, respected love. We have long-term potential, which is really exciting to me after a string of dead-end relationships. I feel like I won’t meet anyone like him in a small town, but, on the other hand, I have only known him for, like, two months and it's way too soon to do the I'll follow you thing. He seems a little down since I told him about the opportunity, but supportive at the same time. I have two weeks to make the decision. Do I choose love or a career?