Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Why You Need To Know Your Perception Style Now with Lynda-Ross Vega and Gary Jordan



Did you know that you are probably being misunderstood by 84% of the people you encounter... including your healthcare professionals... Maybe you’ve said more than once, “I just wished I could get them to understand, get them to listen...”This episode’s guests ask us to consider that, most likely, they are listening; it’s a mismatch of perception styles that keeps you from being understood. Understanding the six perception styles and how perception works can ease miscommunication and help you recognize your and their innate strengths.Our guests, Clinical Psychologist Gary Jordan and Coach Lynda-Ross Vega, authors of the new book ‘Unlock the Power of Your Perception: Claim Your Natural Strengths, Reframe Your Weaknesses, Reshape Your Most Important Relationships’ share with us loads of easy communication and relationship 'hacks.'Just some of the great 'hacks' and questions answered by Lynda-Ross and Gary answered are• What are the common misconceptions about perception styles?• Is there a link between percepti