
Jackie Alexander, Founder Humming Puppy, with Vince Frost



Design Your Life podcast Episode 012 with Vince Frost in conversation with local Aussie Yoga Guru, Entrepreneur, and Humming Puppy Founder, Jackie Alexander.Jackie is the co-founder of revolutionary new yoga house Humming Puppy, which focuses on sound healing by introducing frequency and vibration to the rooms to align energies. Jackie made the massive decision to change her life as a dental practice manager to a global entrepreneur and Yogi. Today, her four-year-old practice Humming Puppy has three locations across Melbourne, Sydney and New York, and is carefully designed to deliver the most positive experience possible. In this episode, Jackie reveals how she has designed a successful and spiritually fulfilling life by finding the courage to listen to her inner ‘ah-ha’ moments and act on them – especially when the risk is so high.Stay tuned for Episode 013 featuring New York Times Magazine Art Director, Matt for privacy information.