The New Stack Makers

The Cloud Is Under Attack. How Do You Secure It?



Building and deploying applications in the cloud offers significant advantages, primarily driven by the scalability it provides. Developers appreciate the speed and ease with which cloud-based infrastructure can be set up, allowing them to scale rapidly as long as they have the necessary resources. However, the very scale that makes cloud computing attractive also poses serious risks.The risk lies in the potential for developers to make mistakes in application building, which can lead to widespread consequences when deployed at scale. Cloud-focused attacks have seen a significant increase, tripling from 2021 to 2022, as reported in the Cloud Risk Report by Crowdstrike.The challenges in securing the cloud are exacerbated by its relative novelty, with organizations still learning about its intricacies. The newer generation of adversaries is adept at exploiting cloud weaknesses and finding ways to attack multiple systems simultaneously. Cultural issues within organizations, such as the tension between security p