All That Glitters

Do your Actions Match your Values? With Mike Millner



Today, I speak with Mike Millner, host of the Mind Over Macros podcast and coach, who helps driven individuals align their nutrition w their personality to achieve epic results. If you don’t follow him , you should. He talks about mindset, introspection, and doing the hard stuff. Our conversation in this episode centers around her personal journey and how he found his way into mindset development and coaching.  We talk about: -Peak Optimization Performance (POP) -family history of disordered eating -deciding to get help -dealing with shame -having an obsessive nature -minimum effective does versus maximum recoverable volume -values matching actions -challenging beliefs  Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 5:20 men and eating disorders 11:28 toxicity is in the dosing  13:20 taking the first steps 18:06 using exercise as punishment 21:20 refocusing your obsession 28:30 diversifying your obsessions 32:24 sustainable long-term efforts 41:03 identity crisis  47:36 ego and insecurity 52:00 be kind not nice CONNECT