As Told By Nomads

687. How to Building a Healthy and Scalable Business with Kira La Forgia



How to Building a Healthy and Scalable Business with Kira La ForgiaToday's episode is with Kira La Forgia. Kira has firsthand experience with the challenges involved in managing the human side of running a business. After struggling with burnout and being diagnosed with PTSD, Kira realized the importance of delegating tasks and taking care of her mental health. She learned this lesson the hard way, having tried to take on everything herself, which ultimately led to her experiencing significant stress and burnout. In fact, it took a team of six people to effectively replace Kira and take on the responsibilities she had been managing alone. Her mission in life is to empower women to identify their unique skills and passions and turn them into profitable businesses so they can have the freedom to live their life on their own terms. She believes that entrepreneurship is not a one size fits all model, in fact, being an entrepreneur means making your own model, built around your values and lifestyle. With a de