Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

How Much Iodine Should You Take Each Day?



Iodine is critical for overall health, especially thyroid health. But the question is, how much should you be getting each day? This is an incredibly contentious topic because everyone seems to have a different opinion. What I’m going to do today is break down iodine dosing in a simple and easy-to-understand way so you understand how much you should be taking to minimize negative outcomes while maximizing positive ones. When you look at the RDA for iodine you’ll see that the recommended dosing should be between 150 and 270 (~300) mcg per day depending on whether or not you are a lactating woman or a pregnant woman. Those who are lactating or pregnant require more than the average adult because they need to make up for what a developing child needs. What happens when you don’t get enough iodine? You will end up with a goiter and hypothyroidism which is not ideal. What happens when you get too much? You increase your risk of developing autoimmune thyroid disease like Hashimoto’s and Graves’ disease. How